Obedience from the heart is a wonderful thing.
We should never mistake our fight against Legalism as a fight against obedience. When we obey the Lord out of love and surrender, we are exercising a glorious response to a blessed relationship.
But there is something even better than obedience.
The very Life of Jesus being lived out in us, as we are in close communion and fellowship with Him. It's Galatians 2:20 springing forth in fruit. "It is no longer I who live, but Christ..." It's the fruit of His Spirit being produced in us, and expressing itself, not in obedience to a specific command, but in our hands being His hands, our feet being His feet, our minds expressing His mind.
This is not an abnormal state for the believer, though it may not be common. It's the normative state of a believer who is filled with the Spirit. Christ, Who is our life, living it, with us, as one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17).